Learning Support Program

Esperance Senior High School provides comprehensive support for students with both imputed and diagnosed disabilities. Our Learning Support services are led by a team of skilled and committed teachers and education assistants. We ensure that students with special needs (SEN) and disabilities are fully supported within their mainstream classes through various means, including differentiated curriculum adjustments, personalised and modified programs, and the development of individualised Special Education Plans (SEN plans). These plans are developed in collaboration with parents, therapists, and external providers to address the unique needs of each student. Additionally, we support onsite therapy sessions as requested by parents, as endorsed by the Department of Education.

The Learning Support Team

Learning Support Coordinator

Role: To provide leadership and work in collaboration with Parents, Education Assistants, Teachers, Administration and External Agencies, in all matters relating to the education of Disability Resourced students.

Education Assistants:

Role: Is primarily one of mentoring and supporting students to achieve success, by empowering them with strategies to become increasingly independent. Education Assistants proactively support learning by modelling and prompting the use of strategies; monitor and clarify student understanding of instructions; assist to get started on tasks; assist with technology aids; scaffold tasks as much as possible and prompt students to transfer these skills across the curriculum.