Lower School

Student cooking during cooking class

Helping students to discover their strengths

Our lower school curriculum offers a diverse range of subjects from English and Mathematics to Sciences, Humanities, Languages, and the Arts. In Years 7 and 8, the courses are designed to give students experience in all the main areas of study available in the school. As they progress, students will have more freedom to personalise their studies, ensuring a well-rounded educational journey that caters to both their interests and their strengths.

We value collaboration between students, parents and teachers in navigating these academic choices. With the support and guidance of our educators, we aim to ensure that each student’s needs, interests, and capabilities are considered in selecting the most suitable educational pathway.

Courses By Year Group


    In the year 7 Animation taster, students will be introduced to stop motion animation, and will learn about: what stop motion animation is; how to design and prepare a storyboard stop motion animation clip; how to use a DSLR camera to produce images for their own stop motion animation clips; and how to use software to prepare their own stop animation clip.


    1. Making
    2. Responding

    In Year 7 English students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment. They listen to, read, view, interpret, evaluate and perform a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade. Students develop their understanding of how texts, including media texts, are influenced by context, purpose and audience.


    1. They listen to, read, view, interpret, evaluate and perform a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade.
    2. Students develop their understanding of how texts, including media texts, are influenced by context, purpose and audience.
    3. Students create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts and are beginning to create literary analyses and transformations of texts.

    Year 7 Food Technology is aimed at encouraging students to make healthy food choices and to introduce them to food preparation techniques, cookery methods and the safe use of kitchen equipment.


    1. Follow safety and hygiene procedures in practical lessons.
    2. Demonstrate basic food preparation skills, whilst using equipment and utensils safely.
    3. Identify ways to make healthy food and lifestyle choices.
    4. Investigate, design and produce healthy recipes, addressing task criteria.

    In Year 7 Health, the content expands students’ knowledge, understanding and skills to help them achieve successful outcomes in personal, social, movement and online situations. They learn how to take positive action to enhance their health, safety and wellbeing by applying problem-solving and effective communication skills, and through a range of preventive health practices.


    1. Feelings and emotions associated with transitions; and practising self-talk and help-seeking strategies to manage these transitions.
    2. Strategies to promote safety in online environments.
    3. Management of emotional and social changes associated with puberty through the use of coping skills, communication skills and problem solving.

    In Year 7 Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) students increase their independence in critical thinking and skills application. They investigate events, people and places that are both historical and contemporary.


    1. History (The Ancient World)
    2. Geography (Water in the World and Place & Liveability)
    3. Economics (Producing and Consuming)
    4. Civics and Citizenship (Designing our Political and Legal System)

    In the year 7 Jewellery taster, students will gain experience and develop skills in the processes required to operate safely in a workshop environment to produce jewellery items from various materials.


    1. Knowledge & Understanding
    2. Processes & Production Skills

    Mathematics students at Esperance Senior High School learn how to use mathematics to solve problems, recognise patterns, represent and interpret data and perform calculations in real world scenarios. We aim to instil an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematical reasoning, promote creative problem solving and to improve numerical fluency.


    1. Number and Algebra
    2. Measurement and Geometry
    3. Statistics and Probability

    In the year 7 Metalwork taster, students will gain experience and develop skills in the processes required to operate safely in a workshop environment to produce a variety of items from metal.


    1. Knowledge and Understanding
    2. Processes and Production Skills

    Performing Arts is comprised of Music, Dance and Drama. Together they provide opportunities for students to learn how to create, design, represent, communicate and share their imagined and conceptual ideas, emotions, observations and experiences, as they discover and interpret the world.

    Students get an overview of all 3 Performing Arts contexts or a more in-depth study in one of the areas depending on the specialty of the classroom teacher.


    1. Students begin to develop knowledge and skills to plan, produce, present, design and perform in each arts subject independently and collaboratively.
    2. Students begin to understand how the Arts represent ideas through expression, symbolic communication and cultural traditions and rituals.
    3. Students begin to reflect on the development and completion of making in the Arts.
    4. Students begin to understand the point of view of the creator, performer and intended audience.

    In the year 7 Photography taster, students will be introduced to photography and will learn about: the history of photography; how photography works; photograms and light-sensitive paper; composition and contrast in photography; and presentation skills.


    1. Making
    2. Responding

    Students develop and refine specialised movement skills and focus on developing tactical thinking skills in a range of contexts and applying them to physical activities. The application of fair play and ethical behaviour continues to be a focus for students as they consider modified rules, scoring systems and equipment, which allows participants to enjoy physical activities and experience success.


    1. Improve movement skills and sequences within different physical activity contexts and settings.
    2. Improve strategic skills and tactical skills used to create, use and defend space.
    3. Improve defensive skills used to gain control and retain possession.

    Classification systems, food chains and food webs.
    Mixtures, solutions, separating techniques.
    Earth and Space
    Relative positions of the sun, Earth and the moon causes seasons and eclipses.
    Unbalanced forces and Earth’s gravity.
    Science Inquiry Skills
    Introduction to the Science laboratory, safety skills and the process of Science investigations, including planning, conducting, analysing and evaluating.


    1. Biological Sciences
    2. Chemical Sciences
    3. Science as a Human Endeavour
      Students describe situations where scientific knowledge has been used to solve a real-world problem.
    4. Physical Sciences

    Students who have learnt instruments in primary school remain part of the Instrumental Music Program at ESHS. The Specialist Music Class supports that instrumental learning.

    Music Theory, rudimentary piano, percussion and stringed instrument skills are taught in practical sessions. Students also learn about modern music and how music theory is used to create the music they listen to. Composition and evaluation of music are introduced.


    1. Students both individually and collaboratively develop the confidence to be creative, innovative, thoughtful, skilful and informed musicians.
    2. Students begin to develop skills and techniques to actively listen, analyse, improvise, compose and perform music.
    3. Students begin to interpret and apply the elements of music, engaging with a diverse array of musical experiences as performers and audience members.
    4. Students begin to develop aesthetic appreciation and respect for their own and others’ music practices and traditions across different times, places, cultures and contexts.

    Skills such as curiosity, imagination and creativity are encouraged as students investigate, design, create, and evaluate within given constraints. Opportunities to work independently and collaboratively to develop skills when creating a Felt pin cushion and an appliqued drawstring bag. Students will be taught basic hand sewing skills and be introduced to the safe use of the sewing machine.


    1. Develop appropriate behaviours, work ethic and adopt safe practices.
    2. Understand the properties and manufacture of materials.
    3. Demonstrate a variety of sewing skills whilst managing a safe work environment.
    4. Reflect on resource management, when evaluating design ideas for solutions.

    Visual Arts provide opportunities for students to learn how to create,
    design, represent, communicate and share their ideas, emotions, observations and experiences, as they discover and interpret the world.
    Students learn basic elements of art and design and use these to inform their projects and in how they are used to reflect and respond to their completed works as well as the works of others.


    1. Students begin to learn how to work from an idea, particular resources or an imaginative impulse to develop a project to completion.
    2. Students begin to develop knowledge and skills to plan, produce, present and design independently.
    3. Students reflect on the development and completion of making in the Arts.

    In the year 7 Woodwork taster, students will gain experience and develop skills in the processes required to operate safely in a workshop environment to produce a variety of items from wood.


    1. Knowledge & Understanding
    2. Processes & Production Skills

    During the term students will investigate the environmental impact of textiles production with a view to discovering solutions to minimise the effects. Students will be taught to use the sewing machine and then utilise these skills to up-cycle a pair of jeans into a backpack. An understanding of Sustainability will be encouraged with the creation of an embellished pocket incorporating hand sewing techniques and the recycling of textiles.


    1. Develop appropriate behaviours, work ethic and adopting safe practices.
    2. Understand the importance of up-cycling, specifically to explain how society can be more sustainable.
    3. Safely apply appropriate techniques to make solutions using a range of components and equipment.
    4. Reflect on resource management, design solutions, and collaboration with peers.

    This unit provides an interesting introduction to the study of electronics. There is a strong emphasis of practical skills such as soldering and circuit constructions involving transistors, capacitors, diodes, resistors and LEDs.


    1. Electronics Human Endeavour
      Students apply a technology process to create or modify products, processes, systems, services, or environments to meet human needs and realise opportunities.
    2. Knowledge and Understanding
      Students can:
      – describe rules/procedures for safe practice
      – identify/use various tools, including soldering irons
      – explain soldering
      – recognize/use component symbols
    3. Processes and Production Skills
      – complete a project by constructing a circuit
      – use the soldering process
      – analyse circuit to correct faults

    In Year 8 students engage with a variety of texts for enjoyment. They listen to, read, view, interpret, evaluate and perform a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade. These include various types of media texts including newspapers, magazines and digital texts, early adolescent novels, non-fiction, poetry and dramatic performances.


    1. They listen to, read, view, interpret, evaluate and perform a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade.
    2. Students develop their understanding of how texts, including media texts, are influenced by context, purpose and audience.
    3. Students learn to compose a range of texts to either meet or subvert expectations of genre.

    Year 8 Food Technology is aimed at encouraging students to make healthy food choices and to introduce them to food preparation techniques, cookery methods and the safe use of kitchen equipment. The focus will be on breakfast foods and using the sensory properties of foods to create healthy food products.


    1. Maintains a safe and hygienic workspace that considers the environment.
    2. Demonstrates processes and productions skills when choosing and creating breakfast foods.
    3. Identifies healthy food habits and the nutritional content of ingredients.
    4. Works independently and collaboratively, to plan, develop and communicate ideas.

    In Year 8 health, the content provides opportunities for students to further examine changes to their identity and ways to manage them. They continue to develop and refine decision-making skills and apply them to a range of situations, as well as in online environments. They investigate health promotion activities that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of young people.


    1. Develop strategies for managing the changing nature of peer and family relationships.
    2. Understand the reasons why young choose to use or not use drugs.
    3. Develop skills and strategies to promote physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing in various environments.

    In Year 8 Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) students increase their independence in critical thinking and skills application. They investigate events, people and places that are both historical and contemporary.


    1. Civics and Citizenship (Democracy and Law in Action)
    2. Economics (Participation and Influences in the market)
    3. Geography (Landforms & Landscapes and Changing Nations)
    4. History (The ancient to the modern world)

    Mathematics students at Esperance Senior High School learn how to use mathematics to solve problems, recognise patterns, represent and interpret data and perform calculations in real world scenarios. We aim to instil an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematical reasoning, promote creative problem solving and to improve numerical fluency.


    1. Number and Algebra
    2. Measurement and Geometry
    3. Statistics and Probability

    In the year 8 Metalwork taster, students will gain experience and develop skills in the processes required to operate safely in a workshop environment to produce a variety of items from metal.


    1. Knowledge & Understanding
    2. Processes & Production Skills

    Students expand on their introduction to the Performing Arts. With a nod to each of the contexts, one in particular (Music, Dance, Drama), will be the focus of the course of study dependant upon the area of specialty of the class teacher.

    Students develop the skills they learned previously. Learning experiences provide opportunities for students to create, communicate and share their ideas, emotions, observations and experiences.


    1. Students develop knowledge and skills to plan, produce and perform both independently and collaboratively.
    2. Students further develop their ability to understand and reflect on the point of view of the creator, performer and intended audience.
    3. Students understand how The Arts represent ideas through expression, symbolic communication and cultural traditions and rituals.
    4. Students begin to reflect on their practical work and start to respond to the work of others.

    Students continue to broaden their repertoire of specialised movement skills and knowledge
    of sophisticated tactical thinking skills, and apply these to an expanding array of physical
    activity contexts. They build on skills to analyse their own and others’ performance and use
    basic terminology and concepts to describe movement patterns and suggest ways to improve performance outcomes.


    1. Understand how to measure the body’s response to physical activity.
    2. Be able to describe movement using terms of linear, angular and general motion.
    3. Selection and justification of responses selected to solve movement challenges.

    Cells has specialised structures and functions to reproduce and survive.
    States of matter. Elements, compounds, mixtures and chemical change.
    Earth and Space
    Sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks.
    Kinetic, heat and potential energy, and their transformations and transfers.
    Science Inquiry Skills
    The process of investigations, including predicting, planning, conducting, analysing and evaluating.


    1. Science Understanding
      Students can describe:
      – cell parts and their functions
      – physical and chemical changes
      – processes of rock formation
      – forms of energy and their transfers and transformations.
    2. Science Inquiry Skills
      Students can:
      – identify questions
      – plan methods
      – identify variables
      – select equipment
      – describe trends
      – suggesting improvements when investigating scientifically.
    3. Science as a Human Endeavour
      Students explain how evidence has led to an improved understanding of a scientific idea and where science knowledge is used in various occupations.

    Students who continue in The Specialist Music Class continue with their participation in Instrumental Music tuition.

    Music Theory, piano, percussion and stringed instrument skills built upon. Students continue develop their performance skills both individually and collaboratively. Composition skills and their critical ear in aural reflections are also expanded upon.


    1. Students develop the confidence to be creative, innovative, thoughtful, skilful and informed musicians.
    2. Students develop skills and techniques to actively listen, analyse, improvise, compose and perform music both individually and collaboratively.
    3. Students interpret and apply the elements of music, engaging with a diverse array of musical experiences as performers and audience members.
    4. Students develop aesthetic appreciation and respect for their own and others’ music practices and traditions across different times, places, cultures and contexts.

    In the year 8 Technical Graphics taster, students will gain experience and develop skills in a variety of hand drawing techniques and computerised drawing processes, as well as utilising basic 3D printing and laser cutting technology to produce models.


    1. Making
    2. Responding

    Continuing on from the introduction to Visual Arts provided in year 7, students are given further opportunities to create, communicate and share their ideas, emotions, observations and experiences.

    Students learn to use the basic elements of art and design to their projects and to reflect and respond to their completed works as well as the works of others.


    1. Students begin to learn how to work from an idea or an imaginative impulse using particular resources to develop a project to completion.
    2. Students begin to develop knowledge and skills to plan, produce, present and design independently.
    3. Students reflect on the development and completion of making in the Arts.

    NEW COURSE for 2025. Students will have practical opportunities to nourish their mind, body and soul. Pampering techniques, mindfulness activities and nourishing recipes will be the focus of this new program.


    1. Demonstrate appropriate tools, equipment, techniques and safety procedures for each process.
    2. Justify and evaluate decisions when selecting from a broad range of technologies – materials, resources, tools and equipment.
    3. Communicate and record the development of design ideas for an intended audience/purpose including justification of decisions.
    4. Use materials, resources, equipment and techniques safely and considers alternatives to maximise sustainability and safety.

    Activities include camps, first aid, survival techniques, navigation and many exciting environmental activities. Students will assist Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions staff in weeding and tree planting activities to help the Esperance environment. All bushrangers will wear a uniform, which will be provided by the program.


    1. Engage in activities that improve the students social, environmental, and physical wellbeing.
    2. Improve the environment by carrying out environmental work in partnership with DBCA and the Shire of Esperance.
    3. To develop interpersonal skills and teamwork between cadets.

    NEW COURSE for 2025. As many young people consider babysitting as their first paid job – this course will prepare them with the required knowledge and practical experiences in child development, play, first aid and safety. Students will learn about the basic needs of children, the importance of play, and child safety.


    1. Demonstrate appropriate use of tools, equipment, techniques and safety procedures.
    2. Communicate and record the development of design ideas for an intended audience/purpose including justification of decisions.
    3. Use materials, resources, equipment and techniques safely and considers alternatives to maximise sustainability and safety.
    4. Justify and evaluate decisions when selecting from a broad range of materials, resources, tools and equipment.

    Specialist Music Program students from years 7 & 8 are ideally suited to complete the Cert II over years 9 &10, though students with an extreme interest in Music or an ability to play an instrument or sing will also be successful in this course.

    The first half of this Nationally Recognised Certificate is delivered in year 9 and is comprised of units in: Simple Performance; Music Listening; Music Literacy; and Workplace Health & Safety.


    1. CUAMPF211 – Play or sing simple musical pieces.
    2. CUAMPF211 – Play or sing from simple written notation.
    3. CUAMLT211 – Develop musical ideas and listening.
    4. BSBTWK211 – Participate in workplace health and safety procedures.

    The year 9 Drama program uses Play Building, Scripted Drama, Characterisation & Movement and introduces Theatre Skills to develop the skills learned in the lower school Performing Arts Curriculum.

    Drama knowledge and skills ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students develop: confidence, empathy and self-awareness to explore, depict and celebrate human experience, take risks and extend their own creativity through drama.


    1. Students develop their knowledge of how to apply and control the elements, skills, techniques and forms of drama in traditional and contemporary drama to engage and create meaning for audiences
    2. Students develop their knowledge of the role of group processes and design in the creative process of devising and interpreting drama to make meaning for audiences
    3. Students develop their knowledge of traditional and contemporary drama through responding as active participants and audience members.

    The important skill of Drawing is explored in depth in this Visual Arts course. Students’ knowledge and skills are developed to ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students demonstrate imagination in drawing. Multiple skills and techniques are developed to enhance students’ abilities to apply visual arts techniques to plan and participate in the drawing and design process.


    1. Students learn to appreciate and investigate drawing through contextual study.
    2. Students learn by studying theoretical concepts, reflecting on their practical work and responding to the work of others.
    3. Students consider the importance of Drawing to Visual Art works’ and the relationships with audiences.
    4. Students reflect on their own experiences as audience members and begin to understand how drawing is able to represent ideas through symbolic communication and cultural traditions.

    Literary texts that support and extend students in Year 9 as independent readers are drawn from a range of genres and involve complex, challenging and unpredictable plot sequences and hybrid structures. These texts explore themes of human experience and cultural significance, interpersonal relationships, and ethical and global dilemmas within real-world and fictional settings and represent a variety of perspectives.


    1. Students will examine how authors use language and stylistic devices for particular effect in a range of persuasive and imaginative texts.
    2. Students will explore and master the assessment forms associated with both the General and ATAR English pathway streams, like essays, short-answer responses and composition.
    3. In their creative compositions, students will learn to manipulate language and structure for particular effects.

    Students learn about healthy eating habits including portion sizes, through the creation of canapes, finger foods and their healthy wrap task. The tasks also encourage students to explore how herbs and spices can be used to change and enhance the flavour of foods. Building on their knowledge of nutrition, students create dishes for a variety of occasions.


    1. Safely and hygienically follow procedures in the food preparation room.
    2. Identify the principles of food presentation, such as, neatness, colour, and garnishing.
    3. Practise appropriate selection, care and use of kitchen equipment and processes.
    4. Reflect on food trends, collaboration and management of resources.

    NEW COURSE for 2025. Students will have the opportunity to experience diverse ingredients and techniques, that reflect current food trends and influences. Local foods and foods from different cultures will be merged to create innovative recipes. Students will design and prepare a variety of dishes whilst considering supply/demand, nutrition, labelling/packaging and sustainability.


    1. Considering the factors that influence design and technologies, including time, access to skills, knowledge, and finance.
    2. Preparing and presenting foods using a range of techniques to ensure optimum nutrient content, flavour, texture and visual appeal.
    3. Justifying decisions when selecting from a broad range of technologies – materials, resources, tools and equipment.
    4. Collaborating to develop production plans for equitable distribution of work.

    In Year 9 health, the content provides for students to broaden their knowledge of the factors that shape their personal identity and the health and wellbeing of others. They further develop their ability to make informed decisions, taking into consideration the influence of external factors on their behaviour and their capacity to achieve a healthy lifestyle.


    1. Understand factors that shape identities and adolescent health behaviours.
    2. Develop skills to deal with challenging or unsafe situations.
    3. Develop actions and strategies to enhance health and wellbeing in a range of environments.

    In Year 9 Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) students increase their independence in critical thinking and skills application which includes questioning, researching, analysing, evaluating, communicating and reflecting They investigate events, people and places that are both historical and contemporary.


    1. Civics and Citizenship (Our Democratic Rights)
    2. Economics (Australia and the Global Economy)
    3. Geography (Biomes & Food Security and Geographies of Interconnections)
    4. History (The Making of the Modern World)

    The year 9 Jewellery option provides opportunity for students to gain experience and develop skills in the processes required to design and produce jewellery items from sterling silver, resin and timber.


    1. Knowledge & Understanding
    2. Processes & Production Skills

    Mathematics students at Esperance Senior High School learn how to use mathematics to solve problems, recognise patterns, represent and interpret data and perform calculations in real world scenarios. We aim to instil an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematical reasoning, promote creative problem solving and to improve numerical fluency.


    1. Number and Algebra
    2. Measurement and Geometry
    3. Statistics and Probability

    The year 9 Mechanical Workshop option provides opportunity for students to develop knowledge and understanding about the workings of engines, as well as gaining experience, and developing skills in the processes required to engineer and assemble metal projects.


    1. Knowledge & Understanding
    2. Processes & Production Skills

    The year 9 Metalwork option provides opportunity for students to gain experience and develop skills in the processes required to shape, form and assemble a variety of metal projects.


    1. Knowledge & Understanding
    2. Processes & Production Skills

    During the program students will explore aspects of friendships, relationships and cyber safety leading to the production of a Cyber smart information product. Students will learn how to make the most of their natural attributes through hair techniques, skin care and nail care applications. These skills will be further demonstrated in the assessment task; Creating the Holiday Look when students design a sustainable wardrobe capsule.


    1. Understand the factors that shape identities and critically analyse how individuals impact the identities of others and their relationships.
    2. Work flexibly to effectively and safely test, select, justify and use appropriate technologies, equipment and processes to make designed solutions.
    3. Demonstrate sustainable work practices when selecting and using appropriate materials, components, tools and equipment.
    4. Evaluate design ideas for solutions after developing, modifying and communicating design ideas.

    This course emphasises activities related to expeditions, with attention to climbing,
    canoeing, equipment, route planning, risk management, menu planning, cooking, some navigation, orienteering and survival skills.


    1. Development of team building skills.
    2. Develop survival skills in an outdoor environment.
    3. Develop movement skills in aquatic and non-aquatic activities.

    The year 9 Photography option provides opportunity for students to enhance their understanding of photography through experimenting with different functions and uses of the DSLR camera. The photography topics include: macro photography; shutter speed; depth of field; composition; portraiture; and colour theory.


    1. Making
    2. Responding

    Students focus on elements of speed and accuracy in different movement environments, while continuing to develop the efficiency of specialised movement skills. They explore ways to evaluate their own and others’ performances through analysis of skills and movement patterns using basic biomechanical concepts. They transfer previous knowledge of outcomes in situations to inform and refi ne skills, strategies and tactics to maximise success.


    1. Develop skills and strategies for effective leadership, including teamwork and motivation.
    2. Develop transfer of skills and tactics between physical activities.
    3. Develop characteristics of fair play and application of fair and ethical behaviour in physical activity.

    This course is to give students the opportunity to take part in a range of different recreational activities not offered in the standard Physical Education program.
    They include; golf, table tennis, squash, lawn bowls, archery, canoeing, surfing, indoor soccer, cricket and hockey. This course has a substantial off school grounds component. Activities depend on staff expertise and venue availability.


    1. Develop skills and strategies for effective leadership, including teamwork and motivation.
    2. Develop movement skills and sequences within different physical activity contexts.
    3. Develop relationships through game play and movement in an offsite setting.

    Multi-cellular organisms and their environment and ecosystems.
    The atom, radioactivity, chemical reactions.
    Earth and Space
    Plate tectonics and continental movement.
    Energy transfer explained using wave and particle models.
    Science Inquiry Skills
    The process of Science investigations, including design, planning, conducting, analysing and evaluating.


    1. Science Understanding
      Students can describe:
      – biological and ecosystems
      – chemical processes, radioactivity, chemical reactions
      – global events and geological processes.
      – wave and particle models
    2. Science Inquiry Skills
      Students can:
      – design
      – plan methods
      – identify variables
      – analyse data
      – evaluate
      – suggesting improvements when investigating scientifically.
    3. Science as a Human Endeavour
      Students describe social and technological factors that have influenced scientific developments.

    The year 9 Technical Graphics option provides opportunity for students to gain experience and develop skills in a variety of hand drawing techniques and computerised drawing processes, as well as utilising laser cutting technology to produce models.


    1. Making
    2. Responding

    Students learn amazing textile and sewing techniques and then use these to create a textile product of their choosing. In semester two, sewing skills are demonstrated by designing and making summer pyjamas consisting of a tank top or T-shirt and shorts.


    1. Opportunities to learn about technologies in society and ways people consider
      social, ethical and sustainable factors, and use of specialised technologies in fibre production.
    2. Investigate and analyse problems to define a range of technologies, resources and components required to develop ideas and solutions to design alternative solutions.
    3. Evaluate design processes and solutions against student developed criteria including social, ethical and sustainable considerations.
    4. Manage projects, using suitable technologies, with a collaborative approach and use management processes considering time, risk, economic and sustainable factors.

    Visual Arts knowledge and skills are developed to ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students demonstrate imagination and enjoyment when creating projects. Students learn to apply visual arts techniques, select appropriate materials and processes to create artworks through the design process. The application of visual language and creative thinking skills are also developed when responding to their own work as well as that of others.


    1. Students learn by studying theoretical concepts, reflecting on their practical work and responding to the work of others.
    2. Students learn to appreciate and investigate Visual Arts through contextual study.
    3. Students consider Visual Art works’ relationships with audiences.
    4. Students reflect on their own experiences as audience members and begin to understand how Visual Arts’ represent ideas through expression, symbolic communication and cultural traditions and rituals.

    The year 9 Woodwork option provides opportunity for students to gain experience and develop skills in the processes required to design and produce different timber items.


    1. Knowledge & Understanding
    2. Processes & Production Skills

For specific course information

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