Discover our local partnerships

To provide an education that suits all walks of life we have several local partners who enable us to provide any student with the education they deserve. Learn more about our partners in education.

Esperance Education Support Centre

Esperance Education Support Centre is a Level 3 school co-located with Esperance Senior High School. The centre provides an individualised and purposeful curriculum for students with disability. The centre’s vision is ‘young people, empowered by choice, participating in and contributing to their community’ and this vision is reflected across the curriculum, with many learning opportunities provided in the community or in partnership with community members. The curriculum is guided by the Individual Education Plans and Individual Transition Plans of the students. These plans are negotiated by the Education Support Centre’s teaching staff with parents and carers, and in the case of transition plans, with students.

Students of Esperance Education Support Centre benefit from access to appropriate mainstream classes offered by Esperance Senior High School. The students of Esperance Senior High School benefit from this inclusion through experiencing the diversity of the community within their classroom, and through the additional support that Education Support Centre Education Assistants can provide to class members. Students of the Education Support Centre are valued members of the campus community, and alongside their Esperance Senior High School peers enjoy the important whole school events of the campus such as balls, carnivals, special celebratory days and ceremonies.

South Regional TAFE

The South Regional TAFE’s Esperance campus delivers training to skill the community for local industries and services supporting the town’s infrastructure. Students at ESHS can access Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs, which offer students insights into their desired pathways and help them gain skills that are aligned with industry needs.

Esperance Residential College

Esperance Residential College offers a unique boarding experience in the serene setting of Esperance. Boarding students can take advantage of all that the school, community and surrounding environment have to offer.

School Board

The Esperance Senior High School’s School Board includes representatives from parents, community, staff, and students. Meeting at least once a term, the Board influences the school’s direction, handles financial planning, evaluates performance, and sets student conduct codes. Members serve up to three years, with parents and community forming the majority.