Introducing our new home on the internet!

We’re finally ready. As we teased a while back, after a nine-month endeavour we’re launching our new school website today!

Our new website is designed to be the first place you look for information about the school. From up-and-coming events, our revamped news posts (like this one), learning about our partners & programs, to subject details, and enrolment forms you’ll be able to find anything and everything you need.

We will continue to leverage our existing methods of communication such as Connect, & Facebook to keep you in the loop, but we’ll always come back to our website as a hub for information. Making it easier for you to find that one bit of information about an event we mentioned last month.

It’s been a while since we set our old website out to pasture, but we’ve cleaned things up and added a few bells and whistles.

We’re going to take a minute to walk you through some of the bigger changes we’ve made. And we’ll let you explore the ins and outs of our website at your leisure.


Newsletter Revamp!

The school newsletter has been a decades long staple and consistent across the many administrations we’ve had running our school over its 58 years. We intend to keep that tradition going, but with a more modern approach. We felt the format wasn’t suited to modern devices or audiences.

So we’re getting rid of the old 22 page PDF documents we’d post twice a term in favour of a smaller more frequent posting schedule. The post you’ve been reading is an example of our replacement newsletter. Different parts of the school like Learning Areas, the Principal, & Program Co-ordinators will be able to make news or updates available to parents & carers when it’s relevant, rather than waiting 4 weeks. Once we get in the swing of things we’ll make a schedule available to you.

Hear from our Principal about the new website, available on the News page or via the link below.

Out with the Handbook, in with the Palm… book?

Another big change that’s in a similar vain to our newsletter revamp is in regard to our handbooks.

Previously each year we’ve undergone a monumental effort to update a handful of 30 odd page handbooks with the primary goal of providing up-to-date information about the subjects we have on offer. We always designed these for print, with the mobile experience for those on their phones being an afterthought. Well afterthought no more. We’ve given this information a new home on our website in the menu under Pathways > Curriculum, or via the handy link coming up. We’ve divided everything into upper or lower school, then each individual year group to not overload you.

Now you can click on the year you’re currently in or going into next year and see an up-to-date list of subject offerings. Just click on the subject you’re interested in and read a subject outline. For those parents & carers who’re interested in even more information, like always you can find that on Connect for currently enrolled classes, reach out and talk to one of our friendly staff, or visit the WA School Curriculum Standards Authority (SCSA) for an in-depth read.

Event Planning and a School Calendar

As you’ll be aware our old newsletter included a section where we listed a bunch of school events we had coming up. To save you from digging through newsletters we’ve given this important information its own page!

For the curious ones amongst you or the household planners you can visit our new Events page to get the run down on the excursions and events we have on the horizon.

What’s next?

Firstly, thank you for bearing with us so far as we make this transition to our new home on the internet.

This is the first step of many as we continue to update our processes and public facing information. We’ll continue to communicate changes to you as they come, so please pardon our dust as we iterate over the coming weeks.

– The ESHS Team