🎉 Day One! 🎉
We’re starting the first day of school with Year Group Meetings, this way we can share important information to students in one go. This is also where students will receive their timetables for Term 1 2025.
⏰ School starts at 8:45am! Make sure you get to school by at least 8:40am so you don’t miss any of the information staff have to share.
‼️ There will be a PA announcement at the start of the day to direct students to their correct year meeting locations. (If you arrive late staff will be able to help you, don’t worry.)
If you’re away from school on the first day don’t fret, visit the Front Office when you’re back and they’ll be able to give you your timetable.
Signing In & Out of School
We’ve made some changes to how students sign in & out of school.
The old Timeout Room (next to the Performing Arts Centre [PAC]) has been repurposed & renamed to Student Central. This is where all students will sign in & out of school, this includes late to school, leaving for an appointment, private study etc.
Don’t worry if you forget about this change, our Admin & Student Services staff are happy to help.
👩🏫 Important Staff Changes
We’ve had some staffing changes as well, the big ones for students being the Year Coordinators.
Year 7 & 8 Coordinator – Ms Kerryn Plecas
Year 9 & 10 Coordinator – Mr Aogan McCallion
Year 11 & 12 Coordinator – Mr Peter Turner
We’ve also got some changes to the Principal & Deputies.
Mr Lovejoy is in the Principal seat, with Mr Pearce as the Lower School Deputy (Years 7 – 9).
🛠️ Projects 🛠️
Our staff have been hard at work making sure some big projects were completed on time over the school holidays.
- We’ve had the courts redone, now in a beautiful blue they’ll be more resilient, far less prone to fading, and you won’t be sliding around while shooting hoops.
- The Front Office has had a facelift as well to streamline how we get the big jobs done, it’s been over 20 years since the last time it got an update and it’s looking great (if I do say so myself).
- Our STEM classrooms are ready for prime time. Students in a STEM class will get a look at our new high tech learning areas.
- The Junior Campus has received an update so the junior school students can have a place to call their own.
- The rest of the school has been receiving numerous fixes & touchups to ensure nothing is left behind.