We’re excited for a new school year. Our partnership with the English Department goes from strength to strength. This year we are focusing on helping our students “Find the Joy” in reading. As numbers of students that read for pleasure are on the decline across the world, we are motivated by our desire to buck that trend. All English classes will be visiting the library on a regular basis with the bar set high – all students should borrow and read a novel. We like to think we’ve got something for everyone – and if we haven’t, we’ll work to find more enticing reading. We ask our parents and carers to encourage their children to find some relaxing reading time at home.

How do we love our library – let us count the ways! February 14 was Library Lovers’ Day. Students were invited to “post” us a note telling us either why they love our library or about their favourite book or author. We especially like this note from a Year 12 student:

“I appreciate the environment this library offers for reading, study, games, technology, and learning. I enjoy the escapism of reading and how it stimulates my creativity, as well as the joy of watching a movie in my imagination.”

We have farewelled Allira Henderson from our library team. There is lots about Allira we will miss – her highly refined organisational skills and her creativity, but mostly staff and students will miss her kindness and compassion for all!


Mrs Duffy