Catching The Bus

Catching The Bus Image

Getting to and from school doesn’t have to be a stressful rush in the morning or afternoon.

Why not catch the bus!

The Ride to School Free Program is for travel Monday to Friday and available for those students who hold a valid Student SmartRider card during 2025.

Travel on public or school holidays during the year will be free, with the exception of the summer school holidays, where concession fares apply.


Student SmartRiders for TransEsperance & TransPerth buses are available for order through the school.

There are a few things needed to order a Student SmartRider:

  1. Attended at least 2 days of classes
  2. $2 to cover the cost of the card
  3. A student photo

If you’re a new student, missing a student photo or unsure, stop by the Front Office with your $2 and our staff will be happy to help.

Once we order your SmartRider it can take up to two weeks for it to arrive from Perth, we’ll let you know via the daily notices in class when it arrives.

If you’re a Year 7 student just starting high school, and you have a SmartRider from primary school. It should still work for a couple of months while you wait for your new SmartRider.

Need a Hand Knowing Where to go?

We’ve put together downloads & links for each of the major bus operators in Esperance. Check out the available maps or get in contact with the bus companies directly for specific queries.

The below maps are up-to-date as of Feb 2025.
Get in contact with the bus companies directly for any recent changes.