Our Services & Support

Our dedicated Student Services Team comprised of Coordinators, Support Officers, Chaplain, Nurse, Psychologists, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers, & Year Coordinators are here to support your student through any behavioural and welfare needs from day one to graduation.

Our programs and initiatives are designed to cover all aspects of school life and provide your student with the tools and know how to take each day head on. Continuing reading below for more information on our initiatives.

Positive Behaviour in Schools

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a WA Department of Education backed, evidence0based rfamework that brings together the whoel school community to contribute to developing a spositve, safe and supportive learning culture. The framework assists schools in improving social, emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes for all students.

Our implemntation of the PBS framework is founded on the acronym SPARK:

Safe – Everyone is entitled to a safe school environment.

Persistent – We take a positive approach to each day & task.

Achieve – We give everything a go, and strive for our personal best.

Respect – We’re respectful of each other and the facilities.

Kind – We help, encourage and express gratitude to others.

The PBS framework supports schools to identify and successfully implement evidenced-based whole-school practices that enhance learning outcomes for students by strengthening systems within the school, such as structures and processes that underpin ongoing school improvement and the effectiveness of all school members.

More information about our implementation is on the horizon.

Late For School & Signing In/Out

Arriving late to school after 8:45am requires students to sign in with Student Services. A registered Parent, Guardian or Carer must either accompany their student, call, text or email the school to resolve the lateness.

For early departures, Guardians should notify the school in advance via call, text or email. Or an in-person visit to Student Services.


Bullying is a learned behaviour which can be successfully changed. Our processes and activities promote the development of the values and behaviours that create and maintain inclusive, safe, and supportive education environments. All members of our school community are committed to ensuring a safe and supportive environment where all members have the right to be respected and have a responsibility to respect each other.


If you’re unsure about your next class or location, visit Student Services for guidance. We can assist you and provide a printed timetable.

Guardians & Students can also access student timetables online at anytime via Connect.

Medication Storage

If you have a student who requires medication during the school day our administration staff will work with you to ensure all the right paperwork is completed and on file. Student medication is administered via our Student Services staff throughout the school day.
If you have any changes to medication please give us a call or visit the front office.

Lost Property

It’s not uncommon for jumpers, headphones, shoes, & the likes to be misplaced during the school day. Lost articles of clothing are kept safe by our school Chaplain, with more precious items kept safely with our front office and student services staff.

The School Chaplain’s Office is opposite Clontarf, by the school gym.